graphene is a thin layer of pure carbon, it is a single, tightly packed layer of carbon atom that are bonded together in a hexagonal lattice. it is an allotrope of carbon in the structure of a plane of sp2 bonded atoms with a molecular bond length of 0.142nm. it is the thinnest compound known to man, the lightest material known, the strongest compound discovered , the best conductor of heat at room temperature and the best conductor of electricity known. it also has a unique level of light absorption and flexibility.
carbon is the most abundant mass within the human body and the fourth most abundant element in the universe. this makes carbon the chemical basis for all known life on earth. Graphene could well be very much applicable in almost limitless number of electronic applications in the universe. since the discovery of graphene, advancement within different scientific discipline have exploded, with huge gains being made particularly in electronics and biotechnology already.
The problem facing the commercial production of graphene was that creation of high quality graphene was very expensive and also a complex process that involves the use of toxic chemicals to grow grahene as a monolayer by exposing plantinim, nickel or titanium carbide to ethylene or benezene at high temp. Also it was imposible to grow graphene layers on a large scale using crystalline epitaxy on anything other than a metal substrate. This seriously limited its use in electronics as it was difficult to isolate the graphene layer from the metal substrate using any scientific method without first damageing it.
Studies carried out in 2012 showed that by analyzing graphene's interfacial adhensive energy, effective separation of graphen from the metal substrate can be made possible, and theoritically speaking the metal can be reused limitlessly. By using this method the quality and quantity of of graphene separated was enough to create molecular electronic divices successfully. while this research is very highly regarded, the quantity and quality of the graphene produced will always be the limiting factor in technological application.
Supercapacitors made of graphene will likely be largest step in electronics.over the last 20 years there has been very high rate of development in electronic components but lacks power storage solutions such as batteries and capacitors due to size, power capacity, and efficency. with tests carried out it was found that graphene supercapacitors has power density comparable to that of high power lithium-ion batteries that are in use today more flexible, ligher, quicker to charge, thin and comparablely and most importantly inexpensive to produce.
Graphene can also be used in paints. since it is highly inert it can act as a corrosion barrier between oxygen and water diffusion. this implies that future vehicles could be made to be corrosion resistant.
Graphene can also be used in the production of security components. this due to its very strong nature and its ablity to conduct electctricity. it has been studied to act as a bullet shield(bullet proof) in vehicles and protective vests meaning a cloth can act as a bullet proof vest.
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